Instead of spending a ton of money investing in sprays to keep deer out of your yard, why not go with the best solution available – Fencing.
Everyone loves watching Bambi, but most homeowners would rather see deer on their television than seeing deer enjoy a snack from their garden!
Instead of spending a ton of money investing in sprays or attempting home-made remedies to keep deer out of your yard, why not go with the best solution available – Fencing.
Deer Fencing Solutions
You may have attempted to keep deer out of your yard or garden by putting up small stakes with netting around a specific area, but deer are known for their jumping abilities. A small set of stakes or a tiny fence will not deter a hungry animal, so you need to build a higher fence than you originally intended. Ideally, deer fences should be between six-eight feet high. Deer are known to be able to jump as high as 15 feet, so you are better off with as high as a fence as you can build.
Blocking Visibility
Another good trick to keep deer from entering your yard is to have your fence offer limited visibility. That not only helps maintain your privacy, but deer will not feel comfortable when they cannot clearly see everything past a fence. Since deer are prey animals and try to avoid unknown variables, they will not risk going into a yard where they only have limited visibility.
Double Fencing
Double fencing is another popular option to try to prevent deer and other animals from rummaging through yards and gardens. Double fencing helps to create a smaller space for jumping, and deer will general not feel comfortable trying to get past both. Deer don’t want to feel trapped, so they will generally avoid double fences. If you’re tired of uninvited deer prancing around, now is the perfect time to have a custom fence installation that will protect your beautiful garden.
Keep Deer Out With A Quality Fence Installation
Hercules Fence has experience in nearly every type of residential and commercial fencing material imaginable, from wood and aluminum to chain link, vinyl, steel, and even temporary fencing. The experienced, professional team at Hercules Fence can help guide you through the design and installation process, ensuring you a headache-free experience.
Request an Estimate!
In the meantime, if you have any questions about fence installation or if you just prefer to talk to a live human being, please give Hercules Fence, Newport News a call at (757) 316-3600! The knowledgeable people of Hercules Fence will be more than happy to discuss your project with you and answer any questions you may have.
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