Learn how to care for your wooden fence.
Wooden fences are a great way to protect your home and maintain privacy. While they may not be as durable as many of the metal options, with the right care a wooden fence can last for many years to come. Luckily, regular maintenance is quite simple; you really only need a few tools.
Thoroughly Check For Repairs
As you begin your fence maintenance the first step you want to take is to check picket by picket on both sides for any damage or issues. If any nails have come loose or if any of the boards have begun to rot, you’ll want to replace them. Make sure all of the sections are straight and not leaning or sagging. If there are any major issues now is the time to call in a professional for some quick fence rehab before the problem gets any worse.
Clean It All Up
Wood fences need to be cleaned to prevent any buildup of mildew that can cause long-term damage. Simply scrubbing with soap, water, and a scrub brush is enough to get rid of most dirt and mildew alike. If you have any stubborn areas, you can also sue a mildew cleaner. A simple pressure washer is another way to get the job done quickly.
Add A Coat Of Paint
To keep your wood fence in tip-top shape throughout the years, regular coats of paint or wood stain can make all the difference. Regardless of whether you use a brush, paint sprayer, or roller, you’ll want to make sure you get every nook and cranny as well as all the way to the base. The areas of the fence closest to the ground are the most likely to suffer damage from rot, which is why it is so important to make sure that they are well sealed. If you choose not to paint your wooden fence, you’ll want to make sure you’re applying a water seal once a year. This yearly maintenance is essential for the long-term health of your wooden fence.
Seal Off The Posts
Once you’ve checked, cleaned and painted your fence it’s time to ensure that your concrete posts stay in good shape. These areas where the wooden fence is attached to concrete should be routinely re-caulked to make sure that no water can seep in. With these simple steps, you’ll be sure to have your beautiful wood fence for years to come.
Get Beautiful Fences Today
Do you need more helpful tips for maintaining your wooden fence? Or maybe you’d like to get your fence updated and repaired? Hercules Fence has extensive experience in repairing and constructing fences made out of any and every material. Our experienced team can help meet your fencing needs, whether they’re residential or commercial, for the right price. Give us a call at 757-316-3600 or visit us online. To see examples of our work and keep in touch, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Flickr, and Pinterest.