Learn how to remove an old fence properly.
There is no doubt about it that the old fence on your property is ruining your perfectly landscaped yard. Whether you want to completely get rid of that old fence, or replace it with a new one, there are a few considerations to be made when starting this new project. The good news is that you can totally get this job done by yourself. Below are a few tips on how to remove that old fence to make your property pop.
Before Removal
Before you remove that old, rotting fence, you need to consider whether or not you should actually remove it. Confirm that the fence is in fact yours and does not belong to a neighbor. Talk to your neighbors and make sure that none of the fence is in their jurisdiction. Once you are satisfied that you are allowed to take down the fence, you can go ahead and begin.
Safety First!
One more thing before you start attacking that fence: safety! This is a big job, and will probably require power tools and some heavy lifting. See if you can get some help from a friend; the job will go much faster with two people and you are less likely to hurt yourself if there is someone else there. One thing that most do not consider is that nails will be left over; be careful to not leave any old nails in your yard, as they could pose a dangerous hazard down the road.
Removal of Fence Panels
If your fence posts are still in good condition, perhaps you want to leave these intact to save some money on the installation of your new fence. In this case, you will just remove the fence panels and leave the posts in place. You can use an electric saw to dismantle the fence panels, or you can do it one by one with a hammer.
Removal of Fence Posts
If you fence posts are rotting or if you just want to get rid of them, you need to make sure that you get the entire post out of the ground. If the posts are embedded in concrete, then you can saw the posts off at the base and leave the concrete in the ground. If you want to remove the concrete, use 2x4s as a lever and fulcrum system to wedge the concrete out of the ground.
Hercules Fence is Here to Help
If you have questions about fence removal or want some help, Hercules Fence is here for you. We have years of experience regarding fence installation and removal. If you have any questions, give us a call at 757-316-3600 or visit our website. For images of our work and fence inspiration, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Flickr, and Pinterest.